BARBARA Bess Gregston

Profile Updated: April 2, 2020
Residing in? Fenton, MO USA
Spouse/Partner Brent
Occupation Retired Lindbergh Teacher 30 Full time 15 part time
Children Matthew born 1/8/89
Allison born 5/11/93
Yes! Attending Reunion
School Story

Best memory of senior year was the basketball team being 30-1 and third in state!

What did you want to be in high school. Did you do it? Are you doing it now?

Teacher and I’m still doing it, just subbing once in awhile

If you could have had a different occupation, what would it have been?


Which teachers influenced your life and made a lasting impression? Why?

Nancy Bray was an incredible English teacher who really cared about her students!

What was your favorite class?

Never really had a favorite class! I liked them all!

Did you have a secret crush on anyone?


Did you have a best friend at school?
